Our Exalted Shepherd

by | Nov 15, 2015 | Psalm 23: The LORD, Our Shepherd, Sermon Archive

Psalm 23: The LORD, Our Shepherd

Listen in as we begin our new our new series in “Psalm 23” . We start with the first part of verse one and, after a brief introduction to the psalm, we focus on two words – LORD and shepherd. Our shepherd, the One who is always with us in the mess of this life, the One who leads, feeds, protects, preserves … us, is Jesus Christ. He is LORD and he is our shepherd. Knowing your shepherd will change your experience of everyday life!

Come here weary ones, restless ones, heavy-laden ones, sit down in this cool and calm resort, while the music of its rhythm charms away the thoughts that break your peace. How safe and blessed are you to whom the LORD is Shepherd! – F.B. Meyer

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