Romans 7:14-25, Jeff Duncan Main Point: Though the battle with sin will remain in the life of the believer, the victory is sure in Jesus Christ our Lord!
Grace Church
Hermeneutics Study – Part 2: Private Interpretation
Jeff Duncan, Wednesday Night Bible Study, Summer 2022 Class 2 - Private Interpretation HandoutDownload Audio:
The Doctrines of Grace: Unconditional Election
Jeff Duncan Doctrines of Grace - Unconditional Election HandoutDownload
Introduction to Amillennialism (Men’s Study Part 4)
6/22/2022, Andrew Wilwerding
Dead and Alive, part 2
Romans 6:5-11, Jeff Duncan Main point: Believer, you were crucified with Christ, and you were raised from the dead with Him.
God Justifies the Ungodly
Romans 4:1-5, Jeff Duncan Look away from self to Christ, like Abraham, and you will be declared righteous by God!
Fruits of Justification
Romans 3:27-31, Jeff Duncan Justification by faith alone brings humility, unity, and order to the body of Christ.
The Free Gift of Righteousness
Romans 3:21-24, Jeff Duncan Trust Jesus alone because He is the righteousness of God and He freely gives the righteousness of God!
The Myth of the God Seeker
Romans 3:9-12, Jeff Duncan Take seriously the fact that all are born under sin, and abandon the myth that anyone seeks God on their own.