Sermon Archive

Mighty God (Isaiah 9:6)

Mighty God (Isaiah 9:6)

Sermon: Isaiah 9:6, Mighty God Main Point: Because Jesus is our Mighty God, we can rest in His victory on our behalf and tell others about our Great Champion! I. Jesus is God. II. Jesus is Mighty. See Deuteronomy 10:17 III. Jesus is Mighty God. See Isaiah 10:20-21;...

Wonderful Counselor (Isaiah 9:6)

Wonderful Counselor (Isaiah 9:6)

Sermon: Isaiah 9:6, Wonderful Counselor Main Point: Because Jesus is the only wonderful counselor, seek His wisdom and trust His plan over all others. I. Jesus is Wonderful.. See also Judges 13:17-18 II. Jesus is the Counselor. See also Proverbs 14:12 III. Jesus is...

Kingdom Treasure (Rev. 1:9)

Kingdom Treasure (Rev. 1:9)

Sermon: Revelation 1:9, Kingdom Treasure Main Point: Pray for a transformed mind that treasures the gifts of God’s kingdom, suffering for Christ, and the patient endurance given by His Spirit. I. The Treasure of His Kingdom. See also Matt. 6:33 “Union with Christ is...

Our Blessed Hope (Rev. 1:7-8)

Our Blessed Hope (Rev. 1:7-8)

Sermon: Revelation 1:7-8, Our Blessed Hope Main Point: The Son of God is coming again in glory to bless His church and judge His enemies. I. Jesus’ Glorious Second Coming - 1:7. See also Acts 1:11; Daniel 7:13-14 II. Jesus’ Glorious Divine Identity = 1:8. See also...

Glorious Grace (Rev. 1:4-6)

Glorious Grace (Rev. 1:4-6)

Sermon: Romans 1:4-6, Glorious Grace Main Point: Embrace God’s call on your life by resting in His glorious grace. I. Receive A Gracious Greeting - 1:4-5a. See also Eph. 2:8-9; John 14:6; Heb. 10:12-14 “Peace flows out of that grace, for peace is the reflection of...

Revelation: The Revelation of Jesus Christ (Revelation 1:1-3)

Revelation: The Revelation of Jesus Christ (Revelation 1:1-3)

Sermon: Revelation 1:1-3, The Revelation of Jesus Christ Main Point: The book of Revelation is not a puzzle, it is a picture of Jesus and His reign over a sinful world. I. The Glorious Revelation - 1:1-2. See Revelation 22:10 “This vision is about Jesus Christ, not...

Malachi: Two Messengers

Malachi: Two Messengers

Sermon: Malachi 3:1, Two Messengers Main Point: What Malachi predicted has come to pass through the two messengers. Believe the good news and proclaim the Messiah! I. Messenger 1: Elijah See also Isaiah 40:3; Luke 1:15-17; Mark 1:2-3; Matthew 11:13-15, 17:10-13 II....

Zechariah: The Purpose of Prophecy

Zechariah: The Purpose of Prophecy

Sermon: Zechariah: The Purpose of Prophecy Main Point: Make eschatology primarily about you growing in holiness instead of merely gaining more knowledge of the future. I. God’s call to holiness - 1:3-4. See also 2 Peter 3:11-14 “We should contemplate the future life...

Zephaniah: The LORD Sings Over Us

Zephaniah: The LORD Sings Over Us

Sermon: Zephaniah 3:14-17, The LORD Sings Over Us Main Point: Sing to the Lord because of His salvation, and rejoice in the fact that He sings over you. I. Sing to the LORD because of His Salvation - 3:14-16.  See Psalm 33:3, 95:1-2; Galatians 3:28-29; Hebrews...

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