Road to Emmaus

Jesus and the Kings

Jesus and the Kings

Read "Psalm 2" and listen in as we end our series with a sermon showing that all of the Old Testament kings point us forward to the true and greater King, the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus is on the throne and is reigning for His people ( "Ephesians 1:19-23" )....

Jesus and the High Priest

Jesus and the High Priest

We first read "Exodus 28" and then focused on a couple of items of the High Priest's garments. We looked more closely at the shoulder pieces and the breastplate of judgment to see how the picture Christ and His intercession for His people (also see "Hebrews 7:23-25"...

Jesus and the Prophets

Jesus and the Prophets

In this sermon we launch our discussion from "Deuteronomy 18:15-22" . First we examine briefly the topic of an Old Testament prophet. What was a prophet? What is prophecy? How does all this find its fulfillment in Jesus? Listen as we bring in other texts to show that...

Jesus and the Tabernacle

Jesus and the Tabernacle

In this sermon we take a quick look at the tabernacle in Exodus.  Listen and see how the gate, bronze altar, laver, lampstand, table of bread, altar of incense, curtain ... all point us clearly to Jesus and the salvation we have in Him. Jesus is the true and greater...

Jesus and the Exodus

Jesus and the Exodus

In this sermon we look back at Israel's exodus from Egypt to see how it points us forward to Jesus. We examine briefly the first 9 plagues, and then we focus in on the 10th, the death of all the firstborn of Egypt. Egypt received what it deserved - justice/judgment -...

Jesus and Moses

Jesus and Moses

In this sermon we look back and the first two chapters of the book of Exodus and point out a few of the ways Moses pictures Jesus. We also draw out application from "Exodus 2:24-25" . It is suggested that you read "Exodus chapters 1 & 2" before listening if...

Jesus and Joseph

Jesus and Joseph

In this sermon we look back at Genesis chapters 37-50, the life of Joseph, and see that Joseph's life clearly foreshadows and points us to Jesus. Joseph was his father's beloved son, was betrayed by his brothers, was sold for silver, ... These are only a few of the...

Jesus & Isaac

Jesus & Isaac

In this sermon we review the flow of Genesis and the life of Abraham. Then we work through God calling Abraham to sacrifice his son in "Genesis 22" . We end by pointing out 5 ways we see Jesus in this chapter. Listen in as we see that Jesus really is the true and...

Jesus in the Flood

Jesus in the Flood

In this sermon we look back at the Flood in "Genesis 6" . What was the reason for and the nature of the Flood? How do we see Jesus in the Flood? What is the significance of the Ark? We tackle the tough subject of sin and judgment, and then we find relief in God's...

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