Voices of Revelation: The Major and Minor Prophets

Ezekiel Part 1: God in Exile

Ezekiel Part 1: God in Exile

Sermon: Ezekiel (Part 1), God in Exile Apocalyptic Texts: They address both present circumstances and the future.  They are filled with symbols and imagery. Avoid overanalyzing every little detail of the symbols. Focus on the main message.  Interpret apocalyptic texts...

Jeremiah Part 2: A New Heart

Jeremiah Part 2: A New Heart

Sermon: Jeremiah 31:31-34, A New Heart Main Point: God promised a new and different kind of covenant, one that works front he inside out.  I. God promised a New Covenant that is not like the old one 31:31-32.  See Deuteronomy 10:16; Jeremiah 7:23; Jeremiah...

Jeremiah Part 1: Change Your Ways

Jeremiah Part 1: Change Your Ways

Sermon: Jeremiah 7:1-15, Change Your Ways Main Point: Repent and treat God as holy by joyfully walking in His commandments. I. What was the root issue in Jeremiah’s day?  See Exodus 19:5 II. What was the situation in Jeremiah’s Day?  See Jeremiah 7:30 III....

Isaiah Part 2: Your Kingdom Come

Isaiah Part 2: Your Kingdom Come

Sermon: Isaiah Part 2: Your Kingdom Come Main Point: God’s kingdom is found in His Son, the Messiah, and is for all nations. I. God’s Kingdom Comes Through the Messiah.  See Isaiah 53:5-6; 1 Corinthians 15:3-5 II. God’s Kingdom Comes To All the Nations.  See...

Isaiah Part 1: A Burning Stump

Isaiah Part 1: A Burning Stump

Sermon: Isaiah Part 1: A Burning Stump & A Holy Seed Main Point: Only a repentant faith delivers from judgment. I. Who was Isaiah?  II. When and where did he prophesy? III. What was his message? See also Isaiah 6:8-13, 12:2, 1:18  Application 1) Pray for...

The Prophets: Speaking God’s Word

The Prophets: Speaking God’s Word

Sermon: Hebrews 1:1, Speaking God’s Word Main Point: The Old Testament Prophets were men called by God to speak His Word to His people and hold them accountable to His covenant.  I. What was a prophet? II. What was the standard for a prophet?  See also...

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