Jeremiah Part 1: Change Your Ways

by | Jun 16, 2024 | Voices of Revelation: The Major and Minor Prophets

Sermon: Jeremiah 7:1-15, Change Your Ways

Main Point: Repent and treat God as holy by joyfully walking in His commandments.

I. What was the root issue in Jeremiah’s day? 

See Exodus 19:5

II. What was the situation in Jeremiah’s Day? 

See Jeremiah 7:30

III. What was God’s response? 

See Jeremiah 7:23, 7:25-26, 7:34; Matthew 21:13; John 4:23-24; Titus 2:11-14


1. The church must understand that God is holy! 

2. The church must treat God as holy! 

3. As individuals we must be faithful to God’s covenant. 

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