Sermon: Misusing the Prophets

Main Point: Be very careful to rightly interpret Scripture by keeping it in its proper context and using sound methods of interpretation.

I. Habakkuk 1:5. 

II. Isaiah 54:17. 

“wicked men, even though they exert themselves to the utmost, will gain nothing; for their attacks are guided and restrained by the secret purpose of God. … wicked men will have the means of attempting many and diversified methods for destroying the Church, but that their efforts shall be vain and fruitless, for the Lord will restrain them. (Their “weapons” will not prosper!)” – John Calvin

III. Jeremiah 29:11 


  1. Before embracing an understanding of any particular text, see if it passes the martyr test.
  2. Always seek to interpret Scripture in its proper context.
  3. Regularly read and study the Scriptures.


John 16:33 NET – I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace. In the world you have trouble and suffering, but take courage – I have conquered the world.

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